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Cucumber: Health Benefits And Nutritional Facts - Dua For Health

Cucumbers are small, green, and usually available in summers. Cucumbers has numerous Health Benefits and Nutritional Facts and also prevents dehydration.  Cucumbers are high in water content, which is why it is also called “the king of salads”. The water content is important for keepi…

Is Eating a Plant Based Diet Better for You?

A DIET HIGHER IN FOODS BASED ON PLANTATIONS IS POSSIBLE? Eating fruits and vegetables is generally known to be healthy, but the new Netflix series "You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment" demonstrates exactly how swiftly and significantly they may have an impact. Adult identi…

Dry Eyes: Natural Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes , also known as dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a common eye condition that occurs when your eyes are unable to produce an adequate amount of tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can result in uncomfortable symptoms such as irritation, redness, a…

Apple: Eat an apple every day, drive away the doctor, but how?

There is a famous saying that eating an apple daily will keep you away from the doctor , if you also know the benefits of this fruit then you will definitely say that this saying is absolutely true. Introduction: The saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," is one of thos…

Sweet Lime : How Improve Skin Radiance With Sweet Lime Juice

Are you a looking for a natural way that how improve your skin rad iance ? Look no further than Sweet Lime Juice ! Our all - natural formula is packed with vitamins and minerals to help your skin glow and look its best . Plus , it 's delicious …